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New Board Member Recruitment


Morayvia is a voluntary run aerospace heritage centre in Kinloss, Moray

Established in 2011, we first opened our doors as a seasonal heritage centre in 2015, continuing to expand our collection of aircraft and associated air heritage exhibits since then.

We are a charitable company and completed a Community Asset Transfer of our building, a former school, in 2018. A five star attraction on Trip Advisor, we have been awarded a Travellers Choice certificate in 2022.

We appointed our first paid staff member in October 2021 and are entering a new phase of growth post COVID 19. Our key aims over the next two to five years are to:

  • Improve our interpretation and preserve our stories for future generations

  • To expand our learning offer and become a STEM learning hub

  • To continue on our path of opening up Morayvia to the local community in Kinloss

  • To work through options appraisal, feasibility and design for a new build interactive visitor centre to bring our collection indoors



  • We are seeking to expand our Board as we enter this development phase, to help us develop a new strategic plan, oversee the above aims and to help make us fit for the future.

  • We are particularly seeking individuals with skills and experiences in the following areas:

  • Heritage and community led tourism

  • Strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation

  • Capital projects in the third sector

  • Treasurer and financial management

  • Governance

  • Secretary & membership secretary


Statutory duties of Board members

  • To ensure that Morayvia complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations

  • To ensure that Morayvia pursues its objects as defined in its governing document

  • To ensure Morayvia uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects: the charity must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities are

  • To contribute actively to the Board’s role in giving firm strategic direction to Morayvia, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets

  • Fully understanding and committing to the mission, goals, and objectives of Morayvia

  • To safeguard the good name and values of Morayvia

  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of Morayvia

  • To ensure the financial stability of Morayvia

  • To protect and manage the property of Morayvia

  • To appoint staff and monitor their performance

  • Fully understanding the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors

  • Preparing for and attending at least 80% of all meetings of the Board of Directors

  • Serving on Board committees and sub-committees as appointed or elected

  • Providing general advice and assistance to Morayvia upon request by Board members and/or staff

  • Providing reports, materials, and other items associated with Board responsibilities and activities in a timely manner

  • Informing the Board of all actual and potential conflicts of interest relating to the general purposes and activities of the organisation and to specific issues before the Board.


Other duties

In addition to the above statutory duties, each Board Member should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board to reach sound decisions. This may involve:

  • Scrutinising board papers

  • Leading discussions

  • Focusing on key issues

  • Providing guidance on new initiatives

  •  Other issues in which the Board Member has special expertise


Person Specification

  • Commitment to the organisation

  •  Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort

  •  Strategic vision

  •  Good, independent judgement

  •  Ability to think creatively

  •  Willingness to speak their mind

  •  Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship

  •  Ability to work effectively as a member of a team

  •  Nolan's seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership

  • You must not be barred from being a charity director.


Training and Support Available

Induction will be arranged to introduce you to the Board, staff and volunteers of Morayvia, the current programme of work and the governance of the charity. Further training and development opportunities will be offered from time to time.


Reasonable out of pocket expenses in relation to carrying out the duties of the role will be reimbursed, upon issue of original receipts, and details of the procedure will be provided during Induction.


The Application Process

The first stage of the application process is to submit an application form, by 9am on Monday 29th August 2022.

The second stage will involve interviews with a panel made up Morayvia representatives. Interviews will take place in September.

The final stage of recruitment will take place at our AGM in October. Any candidates who have made it through the first two stages will be invited to meet members and introduce themselves. This is when successful candidates would be formally voted on to the Board of Directors.


How to apply

Please complete the attached short application form, which should include details of:

  • Why you want to be on the board

  •  What you think you can bring to the role

  • Relevant background and experience

  • Email your completed application and a completed Equalities Monitoring Form to by 9am on Monday 29th August 2022.


The Appliation form is availabe for download here: >                       Please also download and complete the

                                                                                                                 equal opportunities form: > 

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